Friday, November 9, 2007


Today was a strange day. Suffice to say that what started out as a search for a female doctor landed me in the doctor's office having my blood drawn. Last thing I expected to have happen. Then I was assured that the test results were on rush, and I'd probably have the results this afternoon/evening. Unfortunately, it looks like the lab didn't rush enough, so I will instead have to wait until Monday to find out what's going on. So this weekend I will think too much about the possible outcomes, and obsess over the whole situation- which I can't change either way, and won't magically get an answer from the worrying. I have to remind myself (and am thankful for the others who've reassured me) that God is in control and He knows me, and even if His timing is not what I think it should be, He won't give me more than I can handle.

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