Sunday, January 15, 2012


Have I mentioned that I'm far from perfect? Yeah, I thought so.

Some days (more than I'd like), life feels overwhelming. My house never seems to be clean or organized enough, kids not well-behaved enough, laundry not done enough, dinner not ready on time, my patience not long enough, etc. Overwhelming can quickly turn to frustration, anger, and despair if you let it. It can fester and take a toll on relationships with those that you love.

Often I find myself walking the line between normal fretting about things and diving over into crazy about it. Sometimes I just have to stop and pray, asking God to take my worry from me and replace it with His peace. I am so thankful to have a Lord who is always there when I need Him, who always knows what is going on when I don't.

Do you know my God? He created the earth, knitted each one of us together in our mothers' wombs, and sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for us while we were yet sinners to save us from ourselves. He is the reason why all my worry is in vain, and why even when I am far from perfect, he is always perfect and will carry my burdens. He is there to forgive when I come to Him in repentance, and He renews my spirit.

How amazing and comforting it is to be reassured of the faithfulness of my Lord- He is the one constant in a life of chaos.

On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah
-Psalm 62:7-8

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