Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
All Smiles
We had a tire blowout today and spent a couple hours at Les Schwab Tires getting it repaired. Weslee played the whole time we were there, and was in a great mood. He kept smiling and talking and flirting, and even developed a fascination for the camera! Gone are the days when we were lucky to catch his little grins.
Bouncing Baby Boy
My sister Meredith let us borrow her baby jumper/swing and Weslee just loves it! He loves to sit up all the time and the jumper lets us have a break while entertaining him. We line up all his toys on the tray and watch him hop around while playing. I discovered the other day that he will start jumping when he hears us sing or listens to songs on the radio. The bottom picture is him surrounded by his toys after getting all tired out from the jumper.
Weslee's Baby Dedication/Mother's Day
Mother's Day was rather exciting for us this year, since our church does all the baby dedications on the same day. All of Ken's family came to town for the dedication, and we hosted a lunch after church for everybody. I'd never had to make food for so many people, and somehow we managed to fit nearly 20 people in our little house! All went pretty well though, but I probably wouldn't choose to have such a large crowd in such a small space again.
I don't have any pictures from the church service dedication for Weslee, but the picture above is from the private anointing we had before the service with our pastor. It was something that Ken and I wanted to do before God, to promise our child to Him.
He did very well with the day, even though it ended in an ER visit for him. His umbilical hernia had come back a bit and we had to get it checked out to make sure it wasn't the kind we need to be concerned about. Luckily, he is doing fine, and we're just monitoring his little belly button to make sure nothing changes.
I don't have any pictures from the church service dedication for Weslee, but the picture above is from the private anointing we had before the service with our pastor. It was something that Ken and I wanted to do before God, to promise our child to Him.
He did very well with the day, even though it ended in an ER visit for him. His umbilical hernia had come back a bit and we had to get it checked out to make sure it wasn't the kind we need to be concerned about. Luckily, he is doing fine, and we're just monitoring his little belly button to make sure nothing changes.
Ken wanted to help me out one day, so he decided to take Weslee for a little while. Sometimes the little guy just doesn't like to be away from Mom and Dad, so Ken came up with the idea of wearing the Moby Wrap around the house to keep baby happy. Luckily, the silly look paid off, because Weslee really seemed to enjoy hanging out with Dad!
Fun with Ellie-phant
Weslee loves this little elephant toy. If you pull the string on top, it vibrates and he gets a kick out of it. It was the first toy he paid attention to, and the first thing he started "talking" to. He can spend so much time just holding, tossing, talking and eating "Ellie". The name came about in a random sort of way, with me saying "elephant" in different voices for Weslee. He reacted positively when I named it "Ellie-phant". He also has a small Eric Carle chime elephant we've named "Eli Elephant". If you put any blue elephant in front of him now, he will talk to it and give it a big smile!
March photos
some spare time
I noticed that I haven't blogged in almost three months! We've been so busy around here that I just haven't had much time to sit down and write things. So I'll try to give a short update and then hopefully blog on a more regular basis.
We're still working with Weslee on his feeding issues. The tongue clipping didn't solve his latch problem. We recently were referred to an occupational therapist, who has determined that he has a sucking disorder. His muscles aren't developed enough to latch onto a breast, and when he gets tired he has trouble latching onto a bottle, as well. We are doing exercises with him to help him realize that he needs to use those muscles.
Our little boy sure is getting big! At his 4 month visit he weighed 14lbs 6.5oz and was 23" long. He can sit assisted now, and sit unassisted for a few seconds. He also loves to chatter with people. He's a big flirt!
I'm going to post several picture blogs so people can see how he's developed over the past little while. Somebody recently pointed out to me that you know you're behind on blogging when your mom reminds you to write (and my mom doesn't even blog).
We're still working with Weslee on his feeding issues. The tongue clipping didn't solve his latch problem. We recently were referred to an occupational therapist, who has determined that he has a sucking disorder. His muscles aren't developed enough to latch onto a breast, and when he gets tired he has trouble latching onto a bottle, as well. We are doing exercises with him to help him realize that he needs to use those muscles.
Our little boy sure is getting big! At his 4 month visit he weighed 14lbs 6.5oz and was 23" long. He can sit assisted now, and sit unassisted for a few seconds. He also loves to chatter with people. He's a big flirt!
I'm going to post several picture blogs so people can see how he's developed over the past little while. Somebody recently pointed out to me that you know you're behind on blogging when your mom reminds you to write (and my mom doesn't even blog).
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