Thursday, September 25, 2008

it's a boy!


We had our ultrasound today (19 weeks, 4 days) and learned that we're expecting a little boy! We've decided to name him Weslee Adonijah Cook. He's a big little guy right now, measuring about a week ahead of the due date, and every little part is formed perfectly! We were able to watch him try to suck his thumb, wave, and kick. He even showed us how he can already make a great fist! Ken is so excited, because he really wanted another boy, and his wish came true!

For all those who said we were having a girl on the poll, Ken would like you to know how wrong you were, lol. I am a little curious why everybody thought it was a girl though, so if there was any rhyme or reason behind it, feel free to let me know.

Friday, September 19, 2008

18 weeks

Here it is- the first official belly pic for all of you who have been begging me for one for so long (*cough* Joanne *cough*). That is the best I can do myself, since it's getting hard to get all of me in a photo without help. I'll try to get Ken to take a few this weekend or next week for 19 weeks. I'll also be posting the results of the high resolution ultrasound in 6 days, so if you haven't voted on the poll for sex, do it while you still can!

Today my new feat is to try to walk for half an hour without collapsing in pain, so I'm praying the sciatic nerve keeps silent for my walk!

Friday, September 12, 2008

moving right along

I had a great visit with my midwife yesterday. We are 17 weeks 5 days, and baby is doing great! He or she is happily floating around inside, making a challenge when searching for their little heartbeat. When the midwife found it, we were able to listen to the little beats- 150bpm! I also now have reassurance that I am not getting fatter- my uterus is twice the size I thought it was, and as it gets bigger, my organs are shifting higher to make room. So my stomach is visibly popping out now, and it's almost impossible to hide it.

We will be going to the hospital in two weeks for the 20-week high resolution ultrasound. It will be the first time we've been able to see our little one in 6 weeks, and I am looking so forward to it! We will also have the opportunity to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. We haven't decided how much we will share with family/friends, but hopefully there will at least be an announcement about the sex, if not about the name of the baby.

While we're not having anything similar to fall weather, the autumn activities have started up again. I went to the first choir practice of the season last night and really enjoyed it. It's great to have the opportunity to worship with others who love singing for the Lord. Ken is busy planning things as the youth intern, and the pace of life is picking up. I will begin teaching a women's Bible study next week, and am looking forward to the new experience.

Keep reading for more updates, and tune in September 25 for the results of that ultrasound!