Outside my window... it's raining. Though it's unusually warm and we've had some pleasant days that allowed for trips to the park, the rain has returned for the week.
I am thinking... about a snack. I had a little macaroni and cheese with Weslee for lunch, but saved most of it for him to eat later, so I'm hungry and it's not yet dinner time.
I am thankful for... my family. I have a husband and son who love me with everything they have, and I feel very fortunate and blessed that God has given them to me.
From the kitchen... it's a mess. Ken was kind enough to help with dishes last night because I wasn't feeling well, but I need to go through and wipe everything down and get things in order. It seems everything gets out of place on the weekends.
I am wearing... lounge clothing since I was going to try and take a nap. That obviously didn't happen, lol.
I am creating... cloth wipes. It's a never-ending project, and I've yet to sell any. I don't think I'll have a shortage of them anytime soon, though.
I am going... with the family to the neighbors' house for dinner tonight. I really enjoy the times we get to fellowship with our friends.
I am reading... Wanda Brunstetter books. She's a fantastic author, and I really enjoy reading her books about the Amish.
I am hoping... to get some rest tonight. I get sleep, but not rest. I know it doesn't make sense.
I am hearing... trucks on the highway. We're a few blocks from the main road, but for whatever reason I can always hear the semis as they come into town. That, and people use our road as a shortcut, and they come speeding by during rush hours.
Around the house... it's clean! I haven't gotten to vacuuming, but the toys are picked up and slipcovers are straightened. An accomplishment!
One of my favorite things... Nutella... I have a friend who was eating it last week, and I've wanted it ever since. I really want to put it in a breakfast smoothie.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Cleaning house, laundry, meal planning, working on cutting and sewing wipes, adventures with Ken and Weslee, time with family and friends, etc... pretty typical week for us.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...